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Learn About Adoption In Indiana

The goal of adoption law is to match the right nurturing and loving homes with children. The actions of prospective adoptive parents and the birth mother are critical to the success of the adoption process. When a birth mother places her child for adoption, she is making the ultimate sacrifice by offering a new life to her child. When prospective adoptive parents open their hearts and homes to such children, they provide a wonderful child with the safety and security they may not otherwise experience. At Zentz & Roberts, P.C, we offer legal adoption services that include:

  • Private adoptions 
  • Stepparent adoptions 
  • Interstate adoptions 
  • Foster parent adoptions 
  • International adoptions 
  • Grandparent adoptions
  • Single parent adoptions 

Private Adoption

The decision to adopt a child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. There are numerous reasons why individuals choose the private route. Prospective adoptive parents open their hearts and homes to children while providing them with the safety and security they may not otherwise have. A key difference between a public and private adoption is that the birth parents’ rights will be terminated in probate court. Typically, private adoptions move along at a faster rate than through the agency adoption model. Going with an adoption agency is a process that takes place outside of the courtroom and the adoption agency may not provide the birth mother with a lawyer. The legal custody of the child will go directly from the biological parent to the adopting parents. We respect, honor and understand the individual needs of each birth mother and adoptive parent.

Stepparent Adoption

This process can be simple. After the adoption, any and all legal rights or duties the previous parent had regarding the child are then terminated. All stepparent adoptions take place in the court of common pleas in the county where the child resides, the individual seeking the adoption resides, or the natural parent resides. The child’s last name can also be changed in this process and a new birth certificate would then be issued with the adopting parent as the child’s natural parent following the conclusion of the process. We respect, honor and understand the individual needs of each birth mother and adoptive parent.

Interstate Adoption

State laws can make adopting a child from a different state complicated. All inter-state adoptions require a firm understanding of state laws where both the child resides and the adopting parent resides. A child may not be moved from one state to another state without approval from both states. Unless a child is being moved between their birth mother and the child’s birth grandmother, the state needs to be involved. Every state has an office dedicated to helping children and the adoptive parents deal with the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). Always consult with a family law attorney that handles adoptions when considering inter-state adoption.

Foster Parent Adoption

There are numerous reasons why individuals choose to legally make a foster child their own. Foster parents open their hearts and homes to children. Foster parents provide them with the safety and security they may not otherwise have. Foster care laws can make it difficult to determine when a child can go from foster care to foster parent adoption. One of the first steps in foster parent adoption is filing a petition in court. Our offices will help you complete the paperwork, file, and prepare for a home study to make sure that living with you permanently is in the best interest of the child. If any issues are to arise in the process, we are here to help you and the child transition under your care.

International Adoption

Laws of different countries can make this process complicated. All international adoptions require a firm understanding of the country’s laws where both the child resides and the adopting parent resides. A child may not be moved from one country to another without approval from both countries. Always consult with an attorney when considering international adoption.

Grandparent Adoptions

A grandparent can adopt their grandchildren, but specific steps must be taken before this can be made permanent while considering what is best for the child. A home study is conducted and then proper notice would be given. The child’s last name can also be changed in this process and a new birth certificate would then be issued with the adopting parent as the child’s natural parent following the conclusion of the process. In certain cases, the consent of either birth parent is not a requirement to proceed with a grandparent adoption.

Single Parent Adoptions

As a single adoptive parent, you may have a little more of a challenge adopting a child than a married couple would have. There are numerous reasons why an individual chooses to have a single parent adoption. Indiana also allows single adoptions by gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people acting as an individual.

An Indiana Adoption Lawyer

As an Indiana adoption lawyer, our goal is to act as a catalyst that allows new Indiana families to be built on the firm foundation of what matters most, the love of a child. When you are ready to speak with a skilled Indiana adoption attorney, contact us as soon as possible at 317-220-6056 today. We are here and we are ready to help.